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Is Your Dog Eating Treats But Not Dog Food?

Dogs often eat treats or table scraps instead of their regular dog food. Anorexia partial is also known as partial bulimia, and it often occurs because your dog is not feeling well and doesn't have much appetite. If your dog is showing signs of anorexia partial, it is important to take them to the vet to determine the cause of the illness. It is also important to make sure that your dog is getting the proper nutrition they need to stay healthy. Adding supplements to their meals can also help to ensure they are getting the nutrients they need at mealtime.

A dog with partial anorexia will eat, provided that something special is added to the food, such as a dog treat or table scrap, such as chicken or beef, to get the dog interested in eating. In some cases, dogs refuse to eat anything at all, but they will eat something as strange as a fast-food hamburger if only it was given to them.

A dog with full anorexia will refuse to eat anything, regardless of whether it is normal dog food, special treats, food that has been seasoned with ground beef or chicken, baby food, or anything that you offer it. There is no doubt that both conditions can be serious, but full-blown anorexia is a much more serious condition. 

My Dog Won’t Eat His Food But Will Eat Human Food

If you notice that your dog is losing appetite for no apparent reason, there is a possibility that he may be suffering from an illness. So, it’s worth investigating the cause when your dog turns her nose up at her dog food or food bowl. 

You may find that your sick dog refuses her dog food, but she will be able to eat some human foods like bland cereals and rice or foods that are particularly tempting, like meat, eggs, or fish, if she is in good health. There is a possibility, even if your dog eats human food, that she will have a reduced appetite due to the fact that she is sick. Your veterinarian should always be consulted if your dog's appetite changes for any reason.

Why Is My Dog Not Eating His Food But Will Eat Treats

A dog might go through phases where they start ignoring their main food for a while, and this is not uncommon for them to do. However, even though they won't eat regular food, they are still willing to gobble down treats. Having a dog who refuses to eat certain types of food can be a familiar problem for some dog owners.

You can address this issue in a few ways, despite the frustration that can accompany changed eating habits. You may find that your dog is turning up his nose at his main food and being a picky eater for some of the following reasons:

They Feel Unwell

As a first step, you should check if your dog is feeling ill. If he is feeling ill, you should see a vet. There are a number of health conditions that can cause dogs to have a decrease in appetite, ranging from a simple upset stomach to more serious conditions such as dental issues that cause pain while chewing. It is highly recommended that you bring your pet to the vet if you notice he is showing unusual disinterest in food, especially if the medical issues last for more than a few days.

The Food Is Not to Their Tastes

Despite what a lot of people think, dogs do not always like all foods equally. It can sometimes seem as if dogs behave like toddlers; when they dislike the taste of the food they are given, they can go on hunger strikes until you pull out something tastier or give them a treat.

The good news is that there are many ways to solve this problem, such as switching to a different brand of food or adding homemade dog food supplement toppers such as bone chicken broths or ground chicken to enhance the aroma and add additional nutrients to the new food.

They are Stressed or Depressed

Just like humans, dogs can also suffer from bouts of mental turmoil such as stress, anxiety, and depression at times leading to a loss of appetite. The dog may be overly anxious to eat because he or she is experiencing a stressor nearby, such as a thunderstorm, or maybe he or she is suffering from separation anxiety. It is possible for these types of behaviors to manifest in excessive grooming, pacing, nervous whining, and increasing levels of anxiety.

If your dog is feeling down, he may be experiencing depression, which is more common in senior dogs. The best thing that you can do in order to alleviate these negative feelings is to spend as much time as you can with your dog. Take your dog for a long walk or increase playtime with him for increased mental stimulation.

Their Food Has Expired

In time, all dog food goes bad, and you may not have realized that the food you are giving your dog has reached the end of its shelf life. The consumption of spoiled food may result in an upset stomach or other complications for your dog. Avoid giving your dog processed foods and give them fresh and natural products, however, these fresh dog foods will often expire or produce bad smells if left for too long. Always check your dog’s food before giving it to them, as well as the best-by date.

In the event that your dog becomes ill after consuming expired food, please take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Make sure you regularly check the expiration date of your pet's food and throw away anything that has passed its expiration date. It's also important to store the food in a cool, dry place to prevent it from spoiling. Finally, rotate through your pet's food to ensure it doesn't go bad.

It is important to note that this list is by no means exhaustive. There are many different reasons why dog’s diet changes and they refuse to eat their food. While these are some of the most common ones, there are many others as well. We recommend going to the veterinarian if you are ever unsure of the health of your dog. A vet will be able to check for underlying conditions and provide suggestions on how to increase your dog's appetite if necessary.

How Much Raw Food To Feed My Dog

In both carnivorous and omnivorous animals, raw meat is a natural source of protein that is an essential part of their diet. It is important to remember that protein is an amino acid, and an amino acid is a molecule. The digestive systems of dogs and cats are able to break down long chains of molecule chains that are found in raw meat, making it easy for them to digest. Cooked meat is another good option if you’re not comfortable with a raw meat diet.  Although not as easily digested as the raw meat, a homemade cooked diet can be an excellent alternative to commercial pet foods.  When feeding a cooked meal, it’s a good idea to include a digestive enzyme to help break down the short chain amino acids, which is what happens to the meat when it’s cooked.  By also adding digestive enzymes, it will take pressure off the pancreas to produce enough digestive enyzmes to break down the cooked meal. 

The amount of food you should feed your furry friend should be about 2-3% of its weight divided into two meals a day with room for dog treats. For example, a 50-pound dog would need ½  to ¾ of a pound of raw dog food per meal.  This amount could be fed twice a day, morning and night.  It may be necessary to provide more food to active or working dogs, and less food to couch potatoes. Multiply your dog's weight in pounds by the following formula to determine how much food to feed him:

  • .02 (inactive/need to lose weight)
  • .025 (normal activity/maintain current weight)
  • .03 (for very active pets, or to gain weight)

Trust in Know Better Pet Food

With Know Better for Dogs, you can provide your dog with essential nutrients and protein for his/her health and longevity. As a result, it is convenient and easy to balance a homemade meat diet at home with these premixes. Recommended everyday by many Holistic Veterinarians. Just add water and raw or cooked meat to make a homemade meal for your dog.

Browse both homemade dog food and food supplements from Know Better Pet Food to ensure a healthy dog, a regular feeding schedule and happy pet parents.